Wisdom Seekers - 2:16:21.jpg
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- Live in or around Door County, WI?

- Looking for good conversation in an ecumenical setting?

- Well aware that no one has a monopoly on truth.  

- Then you may be interested in connecting with others to:

1) Share the challenges of being human. 

2) Peer into the worlds spiritual/cultural traditions to gain insights into living more balanced lives. 

3) Delight in poetry and writings from the spiritually inspired.

4) Explore topics such as:

  • the nature of existence (who or what are we?)

  • a life well lived 

  • universality of Love

  • why we suffer/feel disconnected

  • nature of fear

  • Source/Tao/Buddha-nature, Christology, and much more…

5) Be a participant in these life-centered topics. 

6) Share your life journey to enrich others.

7) Inquire, unearth, then deepen your personal wisdom reservoir. 

♦️ If the points presented above spark interest, intrigue and/or inspire you then send me an email.

Grace & Peace,




“By Imperial Palace Kyoto” - Gotoh Museum

“By Imperial Palace Kyoto” - Gotoh Museum